Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Proverbs 7

Basically this chapter is a warning to all men to not be tempted by an adulteress. In this day and age we all know how prevalent adultery is. In reading this passage the Lord laid on my heart to ask forgiveness for my youthful mistakes, one by one, as they each cause dissension in my marriage. Not anything I can pin point. Just in general I began thinking, " If I hadn't made those mistakes, how would my marriage be today?" "Would I feel as entitled as I do on some days?" That led me to thinking about a movie I watched the other night. The movie( I won't put the name so as to not ruin it if you choose to watch it) had a group of women that were all friends. As they began talking one of them revealed that she had only been with her husband. All of the sudden it was another's mission to get her to think like her,even though she was very unhappy in her marriage she was able to on once the other woman that she needed to " see what she was missing".

Why have we allowing this junk in our homes???

Because of the prevalence of sex and adultery( BTW if you are not married and are having sex that is adultery as well-not something I realized before I was married...I knew it but it didn't sink in.) in the media our society has accepted sex outside of marriage.

The bible is clear about this and specifically tells men not to fall for this adulteress as it will take away his blessings. As a matter of fact, it is mentioned 24 times. 22in the old testament and 2 in the new testament. I have heard it said many a times by many pastors,"If it is in there multiple times it must be something God is serious about. In my youthful stupidity, I didn't realize just how serious God was about this issue and truth be told what I wanted mattered more.

As a mom I want to set the best possible example for my son and any future kids we may have.  In order to do this I whole heartedly feel it is important to read the Bible to my son (not the watered down children's version)  and take the medias ideals out of our house.

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